In addition to its attractive and useful capabilities for designing, illustrating or editing photos, Photoshop also has the ability to manage variables. What does that mean?

This means, for example, that if you want to print a personal card for employees of a large group of 500 people, you do not need to edit people’s variable information 500 times, such as name, personal code or even a photo. This is done in Photoshop with the help of Excel software with a few clicks!


Step 1: Inform the design variable layers in Photoshop of the same name as the Excel capitals.


Pay attention to the names of the capitals

Pay attention to the names of the layers

How to read Photoshop Excel file is one of the important steps in this task.

Photoshop for reading data or the same Data, only files in txt format. And csv. They read. If your variables are in English, you can output directly to the csv extension directly in Excel. Or txt. Take it and import it very easily in Photoshop. (I will explain in full later)

But the important thing about Persian information and texts is to choose the appropriate Unicode to prevent Persian letters from being written separately.

If your input language is Persian, download the file in the usual Excel format or the same xlsx. We save but with a small change.

web option in excel

When saving an Excel file in xlsx format. Next to the save button, there is a drop-down menu from which we select the Web Option option

After clicking Web Option, a window will open for you. In this window, select the word Unicode (UTF-8) from the list and then click Ok.

And then save your file.

This Unicode is one of the most important coding unicodes in Persian fonts and texts on web pages and software.

Now go to Google Sheet to upload our file there and in csv format. Download it so we can use it in Photoshop. You may ask why we should do this here, in response I must say that if we save the Excel file directly with Persian text even after selecting Unicode in csv or txt format, the letters will still appear in Photoshop in a mess.

Well, after entering Google Sheets, click the New button, and after opening a new spreadsheet, select Import from the File menu to call up the Excel file.



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